Tuesday, December 16, 2014

How to engage your fans and then convert them into customer on Facebook

With the increase in demand of Digital Marketing now it has become mandatory for each and every company , brand or industry to have their presence on social media platforms to be in race of competition.

Social media platforms not only helps to expand our brand or business but it also helps to acquire new customers from existing ones, that’s the added advantage and reason for every brand or company to have their presence online. In India , the most dominant player in terms of social media is FACEBOOK.

As in offline marketing “Customer is King” here in Online marketing “Content is King”

Facebook is a platform where you can sell your products and generate more customers but how? Know what your fans like or makes them happy to be in that loop properly through trial and error posts. Once you have insights of your page like what they like or don’t like on your page or  you know  that your fans are engaging more in this kind of posts , you sell product through that medium.

There are many ways and articles written how to use Facebook according to our Business or Brand but once we start using the consistency plays an important role. That consistency comes from Engaging your fans or customer through different activities. Once you know what your customers or fans want from you then you can plan your post and engage with them through your content management.

There are basic and simple tools of Facebook which you can use to engage your fans :-
1.       Image.
2.       Post sharing.
3.       Video.
4.       Polls / Contest.

Let us take few examples of what should go in all of these

1.      Image :- Your image creative should comprise of something realistic what your fans care about and they can relate that image in their day to day life.

2.       Video :- Your video should relate story which can touch hearts, it should have only 20 sec clip talking or showcasing our brand in 2.5 min video. It has high engagement rate if you have done it in a way they want. They tend to share.

3.       Post Sharing :- Repost if some of your fan or customer have post something about your brand. Sometime you can repost the stuff which you think your fans might like but its not related to your line of business.

4.         Polls / Contest :- This kind of post have good engagement where you can ask your fans to nominate or ask them to say which of their friend they can relate through this post.